Our Catholic School is a living and caring community of Faith, an extension of the home, and an integral part of the Catholic community.
As Head of Spiritual Life, I am proud to say that Bishop Challoner Catholic College is a community of faith where we give glory to God by developing our full potential. Our Mission Statement runs through daily life at Bishop Challoner through our service to others. As a Catholic school, our aim is to develop a community which is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Prayer and Worship are central to our school tradition and an essential part of pupil’s development. Mass is celebrated weekly in our school chapel. In addition, the Sacrament of Reconciliation and other non-sacramental liturgies occur throughout the year. Pupils are encouraged to offer their personal skills and gifts, in a spirit of sharing and prayer, in the preparation of all liturgies, form time and school assemblies. Our community prays together and continues to give glory to God through service.
As our mission statement suggests, we give glory to God through our service to others and fulfilling our potential, such actions are commended at Challoner. Further opportunities for spiritual development are available in Days of Reflection, for example Alton Castle, Soli House, School Retreats, Residential Experiences, and Pilgrimages to Lourdes.
Our school has an exceptional Chaplaincy Team who support the personal and spiritual needs of the school community. The team have added some resources to this site to share details of and to update on our ongoing projects. I invite you to explore the information to learn more about how our Catholic virtues and collective worship shape the ethos of our school.
Mr J Cunnane
Head of Spiritual Life and Assistant Principal
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